How to lose weight naturally?

Losing weight is a battle that has been fought (and won by some and lost by more) by all of us at some point in our lives. And there are at least a hundred theories and diets that are out there to guide ( or misguide) regarding weight loss. so, is there a formula that works or……? 

Let’s have a quick look at 5 amazing tips. Which will help you to understand how to lose weight naturally.

Let’s look at a few pointers that I have learned in my journey of weight loss and that have been working for my clients now:

1. One of the most important things to do when you are trying to get in shape is to take caution in your diet.

This does not take any time from your schedule and you will feel much healthier when you eat the right foods in the right quantity.

You will feel healthier and have more energy when you change your diet. At first you may feel a little different with the extra fiber and complete change in food but this will soon pass and your body will work better and more efficiently. You will have more energy and feel like an entirely new, better person.

2. Secondly, switch your diet to is to an organic one.

Organic food has more nutrition as compared to non-organic food and it does not load the body with more toxins, which puts an immense load on the digestive system. Because of eating non organic, pesticide loaded food, the digestive system really takes a hit. The absorption, assimilation and excretion are all compromised in almost all non-organic food eaters. It does more harm and hardly any good.

3. Switch to complex carbohydrates and more fibre, less carbs.

Yes, you need to fill your plate with more veggies, more salad and less rice or pasta. The carbohydrates that you eat have to be complex like brown, unpolished rice, quinoa, wholewheat pasta, millets and the likes.

4. Eat more proteins, the bio-available ones.

Eating proteins on a regular basis fills you up well which leads to eating less. And that does not mean staying hungry, because proteins have the ability to influence an important hormone, called gherkin, which is the hunger hormone. Proteins suppress this hormone for longer periods of time and hence you do not have the craving to reach out for another meal very early. Examples are legumes, beans, tofu, nuts and seed, spirulina.

5. Switch to a whole-food plant-based diet and lifestyle.

Because then you don’t have to worry about calorie restriction and you can eat all that you want. The only condition is to avoid all animal products including all forms of meat, dairy, eggs, and seafood. And load up on all your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, legumes, and beans.

So, what are you waiting for? Now that you have a basic understanding of the whole weight loss game, go on and give it a shot.

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