Foam Rolling for health & flexibility

So, everyone has certain parameters when it comes to self care. Eating healthy, body movements and spending some quiet time in nature are my favorites.

Over the years, I have realised, for me, stretching and just moving my body works best as a natural detoxifying ritual. One thing that I highly recommend is a foam roller and yoga straps.

The foam roller is an excellent tool for myofascial release on the back, legs and moves the lymph to get rid of unwanted toxins in the system.

Just 10 minutes in the mornings on your mat with a foam roller and all the pains, knots and soreness just melts away.

What is a foam roller?

Foam roller is a cylindrical tube of compressed foam and comes in different sillhouettes and sizes. The various benifits of regular foam rolling include reduced soreness and muscle tightness, correction in musculoskeletal functions, improved posture, release of muscle knots. One very important benifit of using foam roller is reduced lacti acid build up. This build up is responsible for general tightness in the body and can be very annoyingly painful sometimes. There is increased blood flow to thee whole body and there is sense of relief.

There are various ways stress manifests itself in our bodies.

 Tightness of the body, lethargy, heaviness in movement, unexplained pain in some parts of the body are all signs of stress. This stress can be easily tackled by doing daily stretches and moving the body. Motion creates emotion. Once we learn to make our body free of this tightness, there is an experience of lightness, agility and freedom. Foam roller is an excellent toll for the same.

Where all can we foam roll?

Upper back, middle back, legs, calfs, thighs, hips and shins.

It really opens up the upper back and is very helpful in loosening the tightness which is caused by sitting for too long and also incorrect posture. Sitting for long hours causes the body to tighten and the tension is experienced in upper back mostly. A few minutes on the upper back with the foam roller releases the tension.

After workouts and aerobic exercises, foam rolling releases the stiffness in the focus areas and works very well for restorative therapy. Tension in the legs which is experienced by many is another issue which can be brought relief to with rolling. Long standing hours, wrong footwear, incorrect posture, all contribute to various kind of pain and discomfort in the legs and body.

Very often , we ignore stretching our body not giving it its due importance. Over a period of time, as we age, this tightness in the body effects our general agility and we start experiencing various age related issues.

Importance of foam rolling for everyone:

More often than not, the issues we face in our old age are not always age related. Rather these are more , lifestyle related. Eating wrong food. not exercising enough, incorrect breathing patterns and living a mere ” existential” life contribute to ageing problems. If we start taking care of ourselves in a more mindful manner and understand the available therapeutic wellness protocols, we wont have to suffer at all.

Starting to stretch your body at regular intervals is a key for flexibility in the human body. Foam rolling is a very easy and safe practice to melt away those knots and feel movement and expansion in your life. This also has a major influence on the mood and how we feel inside. Sometimes, while foam rolling, people seem to have such a release of pent up energy that they feel at least few kgs lighter after the routine. This stuck up energy is the primary reason for feeling tired all day and also for feeling low.

Digestion works much better with foam rolling. Lymphatic drainage starts happening and all the toxins in various parts of the body, the wastes which have accumulated, everything starts draining out.

The same effect can be experienced with a good massage. But its not always apractically possible to have a massage every second day. Plus, your masseuse needs to know what exactly he or she is doing. With a foam roller, you have your very own masseuse with you and you can save tons of money and time.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a foam roller and start rolling.

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