Self-care for women

Self-care is not frivolous; it’s absolutely essential to an incredible life. When you fill your cup first, you can give to others authentically and deeply.

Use these tools and start noticing the miracles that appear in your life.

1. JOURNALING: Spend 5–15 minutes every morning freewriting what’s on your mind and setting an intention for the day

2. MORNING MEDITATION: Start with one minute and build your way up. You might love it, and you’ll likely feel massive shifts.

3 ALIGNED EXERCISE: Find an exercise that’s truly enjoyable, invigorating, and relaxing for you. Practice regularly, if not every day.

4. MASSAGE: Ask your partner or a friend to give you a shoulder massage or make an appointment with your favorite masseuse.

5. HOT TOWEL SCRUB: Fill your sink with hot water, dip a washcloth in, wring it out, and scrub your body firmly in gentle circles. Always make circles toward your heart and go lightly near sensitive areas.

6. DRY BRUSHING: Using a natural bristle brush, start at your feet and brush dry skin in quick upward motions. This greatly improves circulation and drains lymphatic fluid (the root of water retention)

7. CLOSET PURGING: Throw away the things that you haven’t worn in the past year and/or that don’t make you feel fantastic. You should open your closet to clothes that make you feel amazing. (Yes, this includes undergarments!)

8. EATING MINDFULLY: Eating only nourishing, high prana foods is at the core of self care because you have to start feeling good from the inside out, and “ we are what we eat”.

9. PRACTICE KINDNESS: What goes around, comes around. Be kind to animals, plants and other living beings because we all are deeply interconnected and caring for one another is the only way to live happily.

10. SMILE: Smile for its the easiest and effortless way to make yourself happy. Just smile now, as you are reading this & you will see how it immediately changes your mood.

Self care is more important now than it has ever been in the history of human beings. And I say this with my most precious experiences that I have had by following these simple practices. Self care is synonymous with self love and the day or moment you decide to make your self care a priority, things will change for the better in so many unexpected ways.

” How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self worth, so we must care for ourselves every day in every way..”

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